Valuation Objections
Following the issue of Council's Rates Notice, formal written valuation objections must be made to us in relation to the values of a property, or on other grounds as specified in the Valuation of Land Act 1960.
Once you receive your Rates Notice, issued in August/September each year, and if you do not agree with the property valuation, can lodge an objection to the valuation. The objection period is only available within 60 days of the date printed on your Rates Notice.
Note: Please ensure that you are not adding any of the valuations together. The Capital Improved Value is the value of the land plus any improvements on the land - thus already includes the Site Value.
If you object to a valuation, you must still ensure the Rates and Charges are paid by the due date. Failure to pay by the due date will result in interest charges.
Council must wait for the Valuer-General Victoria (VGV) to officially confirm the change in valuation as advised by the Valuer.
Upon confirmation we will send out an amended Rates Notice.
Any changes to the Rates and Charges in your favour shall be credited back to the rate assessment. Any credit amounts will remain on your rate assessment and a refund will only be issued on your written request.