Owners Responsibilities

Compulsory Requirements

  • Desex your cats - this is now compulsory in Pyrenees Shire unless you are a registered cat breeder or exempt under legislation.

  • Confine your cats at night within township zones of Pyrenees Shire.

  • Dogs must remain on leash within school zones & business precincts of Avoca, Amphitheatre, Beaufort, Moonambel, Landsborough, Lexton, Snake Valley & Waubra.

Other Responsibilities

  • Carry and use a dog dropping pick up bag when walking your dog.

  • Microchip and register your cats and dogs.

  • Confine your dogs to your property.

  • Walk your dog on a leash unless in an appropriate off lead area.*An appropriate dog off leash area is not a town shopping precinct.

  • Ensure your dog does not bark persistently.

  • Prevent your dog from rushing at, chasing or attacking people or other animals.

  • Contain your cats at night to minimise their hunting opportunities.

  • Under Council's General Local Law 2019, there are restrictions on the number of animals that can be kept on properties depending on the size of the land and the zoning.


On the spot fines - issued under the Domestic Animals Act 1994

Section of Act Description of offence Prescribed Penalty
10(1) Failure to register a cat or dog $395.00
(2 units)
24(1) Dog at large or not securely confined - daytime $296.00
(1.5 units)
24(2) Dog at large or not securely confined - night time $395.00
(2 units)
32(4) Not complying with an order to abate nuisance $296.00
(1.5 units)
29(3) Dog attack or bite person or animal causing non serious injury $494.00
(2.5 units)


Animal Welfare

Under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, Council Officers are authorised to investigate complaints regarding neglected animals or alleged animal cruelty.

On the spot fines - issued under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act

Section of Act Description of offence Prescribed Penalty
15 A (2) Dog not secured to utility or trailer
(2 units)


1 Penalty Unit = $197.59 as at 1st July 2024