Current Planning Applications on Advertising


The documents and plans are made available for the sole purpose of enabling their consideration and review as part of a planning process under the Planning and Environment Act 1987. The documents and plans MUST NOT BE used for any purpose which may breach any copyright.


NOTE: The Responsible Authority cannot make a decision before the advertising completion date.


Making a submission

Any person who is affected by land uses or developments proposed in a planning application may object or make other submissions to the Responsible Authority.

A Submission must:

  • Be sent to the Responsible Authority in writing
  • Provide reasons for the submission 
  • State how the Submitter would be affected.

The Responsible Authority may reject an application which it considers has been made primarily to secure or maintain a direct or indirect commercial advantage for the objector.

Please be aware a submission is a public document and copies may be made available to other people or organisations including the permit applicant, councillors and VCAT.

More information on the Advertising process may be found on the DELWP's website here

Should you have any queries in relation to any of the planning permit applications currently on advertising, please contact the Planning Department on 1300 PYRENEES (1300 797 363) or you can email Attn: Planning

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The documents and plans are made available for the sole purpose of enabling their consideration and review as part of a planning process under the Planning and Environment Act 1987. The documents and plans MUST NOT BE used for any purpose which may breach any copyright.

Should you have any queries in relation to any of the planning permit applications currently on advertising, please contact the Planning Department on 1300 PYRENEES (1300 797 363) or you can email Attn: Planning