Recovering from natural disasters can be challenging for anyone. Natural disasters can impact people in different ways and to different degrees. There's some great support available, and if the support you're looking for isn't listed please call the Pyrenees Shire Recovery Team on 1300 797 363.
Here's some information on recovery and resilience building efforts for the 2024 Bayindeen fires and the 2022 flood events. There's also some information on preparing for another event, including drought.
Pasture Recovery Workshop
For farmers impacted by flood, fire and drought. Agriculture Consultant Lisa Warn will speak about things to consider when rejuvenating your paddocks and pasture.
This event is free and a BBQ dinner is provided.
When: Wednesday 12 February from 2pm to 6.30pm
Where: Raglan Public Hall, 4 Codrington St, Raglan
RSVP: 7 February 2025 via the QR code below

Do you have phone/internet connection problems?
Living or working in rural, regional or remote Australia and need help with phone or internet connectivity? The Regional Tech Hub provides free independent advice for anyone that has concerns about phone/internet connections and can help you understand your connectivity options and stay up-to-date with the latest technology. This is an Australian Government initiative run by the National Farmers' Federation. Contact the Regional Tech Hub for free phone and internet support. They can be contacted on 1300 081 029 or visit

Centrelink and CAFS Financial Counselling
Centrelink and CAFS Financial Counselling services will be available at the Beaufort Resource Centre & Library on Wednesdays. Below is information about the visits, days and times.

On-Farm Drought Infrastructure Grants Program
This grant is available to assist primary production businesses to implement on-farm infrastructure that improves drought management and preparedness. A grant of up to $5,000 (excluding GST) per eligible primary production business is available to assist with implementation of on-farm infrastructure improvements. Eligible primary production businesses are required to provide dollar for dollar matching funding co-contribution. The grant covers activities like constructing a new or upgrading existing Stock Containment Areas (SCA), reticulated water systems, irrigation system upgrades, grain and fodder storage, internal re-fencing to better match property layout and feed system upgrades.
To get information on the grant and to apply visit Rural Finance
Rural Financial Counselling Service (a different agency to Rural Finance) is able to assist with the grant application process, plus other help for farmers and small business in Western Victoria. Contact details can be found at

Looking after ourselves and others
Here's some tips on what do in relation to looking after ourselves during bushfire season.

Disaster Legal Help Victoria (DLHV)
Disaster Legal Help Victoria provides information about legal issues experienced after a disaster. They can show you how to check your insurance policy and understand what it covers. They can also show you how to make an insurance claim after a disaster and ways you can escalate or resolve disputes. You can get free information and advice by calling Disaster Legal Help Victoria on 1800 113 432, weekdays 8am to 6pm. Information can also be found via this link Disaster Legal Help Victoria

Recovery/Resilience Newsletter
The December 2024 edition of the recovery/resilience newsletter is out now. This newsletter contains recovery information for both events such as support available and any events coming up. If you would like to receive a copy via email or in hard copy, please contact Council on 1300 797 363 or send an email to
View the last newsletter here(PDF, 747KB)