Beaufort Shire Hall

The Beaufort Hall has serviced the community of Beaufort and district for many years.  It has a Stage with change rooms, and a Commercial Kitchen.  It has become home to the Beaufort Table Tennis Club, Beaufort & District Centre of Dance and hosts the annual Beaufort Primary School Concert and Beaufort Debutant Ball as well as many other community events.

Capacity:              120 Conference - 200 Theatre

Cost - Full Day:     $18.00 -$180.00 *subject to change


Details:                Hall and Commercial Kitchen

Equipment:          Tables, Chairs, Commercial Kitchen, Cups & Saucers, Cutlery, Crockery, Urn.   Some Catering Equipment.

Contact Details:

Pyrenees Shire Customer Service 5349 1100






7 Lawrence Street, Beaufort 3373  View Map

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