Temporary & Mobile Food Businesses


All Temporary and Mobile Food premises that sell food and/or drinks are managed under a statewide registration and notification scheme run by the Victorian Department of Health.  This system allows business and community groups that may have previously been required to register at multiple different councils each year to operate under the one registration and just notify each Council when and where they intend to trade. 

FoodTrader is also the registration system for water carter and vending machine businesses trading in Victoria.

Once registered on FoodTrader you can trade anywhere in Victoria, just submit a Statement of Trade for every event you plan to attend so the relevant Council knows when and where you are trading.

Visit FoodTrader to Register or submit a Statement of Trade.

If you have any questions about whether you need to register on FoodTrader as a Temporary or Mobile Food premise please contact us on (03) 5349 1100 or visit the FoodTrader website.


FoodTrader Temporary and Mobile Food Registrations and Renewals

If you register on FoodTrader there are registration and renewal fees that apply unless you are only doing Class 4 activities such as a sausage sizzle.  Your registration won't be processed until your fee has been paid.  Registrations are due for renewal on 31st December each year. 

FoodTrader Premises Registration Fees


Renewal Fees
Class 2 Mobile  $700.50 $467.00
Class 2 Temporary Premises  $282.00 $188.00
Class 3 Mobile


Class 3 Temporary Premises  $207.00 $138.00
Class 4 Notification  $0.00 $0.00
Community Group - Class 2 or 3 Mobile  $211.50 $141.00
Community Groups - Class 2 or 3 Temporary Premises  $108.00 $72.00


Dual Food Registrations

If you operate more than one temporary premises or mobile food van please be aware that they all need to be registered and a fee may apply to each separate registration. 

If you have a Fixed Food Premises registration as well as a FoodTrader Mobile or Temporary registration or you operate more than one FoodTrader premises a discounted fee is now offered on your second and any additional registrations.

Extra Premises Registration Registration / Renewal Fees
Business with more than one Food Registration (Fixed Premises and/or Mobile/Temporary) - reduced fee on second and any additional registrations (each) $107.00
Community Group with more than one Food Registration (Fixed Premises and/or Mobile/Temporary) - reduced fee on second and any additional registrations (each) $54.00


Community Groups and Fundraising

If you are a Community Group doing fundraising by selling food to the public you still have certain obligations are under the Food Act.  Depending on what you are selling and whether you are operating from a fixed premises or from a temporary or mobile location you need to either register or notify with your local Council directly or via FoodTrader. 

Please click on the link below to view a short video and interactive website developed by the Victoria Department of Health to help community groups understand and meet their food safety obligations.



Other laws

Registering on FoodTrader and lodging an SOT ensures that you have complied with the Food Act.

There may also be other laws that apply to your trading.  For example, you may need:

  • permission from a council to operate on council land, or if trading on a street, etc.
  • permission from the land owner if you intend to operate on private land
  • permission from the event organiser, if operating at events or markets
  • other required licences – such as a liquor licence (if applicable).