Register Food Business

If you are opening a food premises or if you plan to serve food as part of your accommodation premises you need to apply to Register before you can open your premises. 

The Environmental Health Department at Council can assist you with setting up a food premises within the municipality.  Please ring and speak to an Environmental Health Officer on (03) 5349 1100 to discuss your plans and to arrange a pre-registration inspection.


What is a Food Premises?

A food premises means any premises at, on or from which food is prepared/manufactured, stored for the purposes of distribution, or sold. 

Business where the primary activity is the manufacture, handling and sale of meat and meat products should speak with Primesafe

Business where the primary activity is the manufacture, handling or sale of dairy and dairy products should speak with Dairy Food Safety Victoria


Food Business Classification

Some businesses have a predetermined classification.   Ring and speak to an Environmental Health Officer on (03) 5349 1100 or visit Health Victoria - Food Business Classification to determine your business class.

If you are a Class 1 and Class 2 Premises you will need a:


Complete Food Registration Form

When you are ready to register fill out the application form.


Class 4 Premises must complete and return a Notification Application.


Registration Fees 2024/25

Food Premises Classification
Class 1 $649.50
Class 2 - Supermarkets $700.50
Class 2 - Other $561.00
Class 3 $409.50
Class 4 $0.00
Community Groups - Class 2 or Class 3 $211.50

Business Dual Registration
Food Premises with another Fixed / Mobile / Temporary Food Registration - registration fee for each extra registration


Community Group Dual Registration
Community Group Food Premises with Mobile / Temporary Food Registration



Please note permits may also be required from the Planning and Building departments. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that all appropriate permits have been sought.

If you are planning to operate a temporary food premises such as a community fundraiser, sausage sizzle or cake stall you need to apply for a temporary food premises registration/permit:


Community Groups and Fundraising

If you are a Community Group doing fundraising by selling food to the public you still have certain obligations are under the Food Act.  Depending on what you are selling and whether you are operating from a fixed premises or from a temporary or mobile location you need to either register or notify with your local Council directly or via FoodTrader. 

Please click on the link below to view a short video developed by the Victoria Department of Health to help community groups understand and meet their food safety obligations.