Other grants

Many grants are available from the state and federal governments, benevolent organisations, trusts and corporations. 

To get information about grant opportunities, make sure your group is registered and keeps their contact details up to date in Pyrenees Council’s Community Directory to get direct emails on funding opportunities. Update or add your group to the directory on our website.    

Australia Post 2024 Community Grants Program

This grants program is focused on projects that connect people and improve mental wellbeing in local communities.

Applications are open to projects that:

  • Improve mental health and mental wellbeing outcomes of a community.
  • Help people meaningfully connect in their local community for improved mental health and mental wellbeing outcomes.
  • Are locally led and locally delivered.

Applications close 1 July, 2024, more information can be found on the Australia Post website.

Pyrenees Bushfire Recovery Program - Bendigo Bank

The Pyrenees Bushfire Grants Program will seek applications from eligible charitable and not for profit organisations to fund projects and programs from bushfire affected communities in Victoria's Pyrenees region.

Applications can be made for grants up to $10,000 and will be awarded from a pool of $50,000.

Funding will support the resilience, rebuilding and strengthening of the social fabric within communities, with priority given to community-led activities that promote: 

  • People - Not for profit and charitable organisations supporting individual recovery and resilience building projects.
  • Social - Supporting community connectedness and recovery of organisations.
  • Economic - Supporting community initiatives that assist in the economic restoration of communities.
  • Environmental - Supporting the conservation and re-establishment of the natural environment.

Applications for this grant close on 1 July, 2024, more information can be found on the application portal or by contacting Foundation.Mailbox@bendigoadelaide.com.au.

Beaufort Community Bank - 2024 Community Grant Program

Your community group/not-for-profit organisation can apply for funding to support projects that offer clear community benefit, contribute to social outcomes, or have a focus on community welfare, environmental, health, education, or culture. There is no funding ceiling for projects in this program however there is a limited pool of funding available.

Applications close on 14 August, 2024, program guidelines and more information can be found on the application portal page.  

Saluting Their Service Commemorative Grants Program

The Saluting Their Service (STS) Commemorative Grants Program is designed to commemorate the service and sacrifice of Australia’s service personnel in wars, conflicts and peace operations, and their families. The program funds ready to commence projects that provide funding for projects and activities that: 

  • Promote appreciation and understanding of the experiences of service and the roles that those who serve have played.
  • Preserve or provide access to information about Australia’s wartime heritage. 

Grants to a maximum of $10,000 are available for community-based commemorative projects and activities. 

Some examples of CG projects and activities include development of an Honour Roll, restoration of an existing local War Memorial, supply and installation of a cabinet to display military memorabilia, installation of flagpoles. 

Batch 1 of applications closes 20 June, 2024. More information can be found at Saluting Their Service (STS) Commemorative Grants Program | Department of Veterans' Affairs (dva.gov.au).

Honda Foundation Grants

The Honda Foundation provides financial assistance to charities and organisations doing amazing work across a range of social and environmental issues. These include:

  • Supporting the disadvantaged, disabled or those suffering from illness
  • Relief for victims of natural disasters
  • Promotion of innovation and new technologies

Applications for this round close on 5 July, 2024. More information can be found at Honda Foundation Grants - The Funding Centre.

Regional Tourism Investment Fund 2024

The Regional Tourism Investment Fund 2024 is offering grants between $100,000 and $5 million to support regional Victorian tourism projects that improve visitor experience and increase visitor spending across Victoria – creating new jobs, benefiting tourism operators and regional communities.

The Regional Tourism Investment Fund 2024 will support the attraction of visitors to key destinations and support tourism businesses across the state with a focus on the five product priorities identified in Experience Victoria 2033 (EV33) – First Peoples-led experiences, wellness, arts and culture, food and drink and nature.

The fund consists of 3 streams:

Stream 1: Small-Scale Projects - $100,000 to $1 million

Stream 2: Large-Scale Projects - $1,000,001 to $5 million

Stream 3: Accommodation Uplift - $100,000 to $2 million

Two online information sessions will be held to support potential applicants on:

  • Tuesday 4 June, 10 am – 11 am
  • Thursday 13 June, 2 pm – 3 pm

Attendees can RSVP to the sessions via the Business Victoria website: Business Vic Website

Applications close on 19 July, 2024 at 2pm. More information is available at Regional Tourism Investment Fund 2024.

VicHealth Growing Healthy Communities Grants

Grants of up to $150,000 are available from a total funding pool of $4 million to deliver programs over two years, for projects that support young Victorians and their families to achieve good health and wellbeing through fostering:

  • Active inclusive and connected neighborhoods
  • Local food systems
  • Cultural safety

Funding is available in three tiers:

Stream 1: $10,000 - $35,000: Enhancing the quality or reach of existing initiatives.

Stream 2: $35,001 - $50,000: Piloting of new projects.

Stream 3: $50,001 - $150,000: Establishing proven and promising projects and / or fostering sustainable impact beyond the funding period.

Pyrenees Shires Community Development team would love to discuss projects for this grant, please reach out to Commdev@pyrenees.vic.gov.au to discuss with us.

Applications close 5pm 31 July, 2024, more information can be found on the VicHealth website.

Cemetery Grants Program

The cemetery grants program was established to provide funding to cemetery trusts as a contribution to the cost of cemetery infrastructure, amenities, maintenance, equipment and training. This includes maintenance and capital works infrastructure projects.

Applications close 31 October, 2024, more information can be found on the cemetery grants program webpage.

Sporting and recreational grants

Sport Central grants

Arts funding

Creative Victoria grants

Community health and wellbeing

Health promotion and sports funding in Victoria with VicHealth

Local history

Local History Grants Program with the Public Records Office

Federal government grants


State Government business grants


Federal Government Business grants


National grants register: 'Our Community' Funding Centre

The 'Our Community' Funding Centre offers a range of information about grants and fundraising opportunities in Australia. It’s a subscription-based service that offers subscribers a monthly newsletter with a comprehensive list of all government, philanthropic and corporate grants available in Australia. 

Local grants 

Stockyard Hill Wind Farm

Stockyard Hill Wind Farm invests in programs and initiatives that benefit the local community, or local community groups who run activities that build sustainable communities.

Bendigo Bank

Bendigo Community Bank branches give up to 80% of profits back to community through grants. They support programs that empower local individuals and groups. Avoca Community Bank and Beaufort Community Bank award grants in the Pyrenees Shire. 

The Community Bank (Beaufort Branch) accepts applications for its sponsorship program year round. Applications will be considered for up to $5,000, more information is available on the Community Bank Website.

Other grants 

Check back for more information on other grants available in the area as we get the information.