Frequently asked questions

When do categories close for applications?

Rounds will open and close on the below schedule:

Annual Grants Program


Open Date:                

9am, 10 December, 2024

Close Date:                

2pm, 17 February, 2025

Assessment period:    

February, 2025

Council to Award:       

Ordinary Council Meeting, 17 March, 2024

Responsive Grants and Event Signage Subsidies close 12pm on the last Friday monthly.

How do I get support with my idea and application?

We offer drop-in sessions to give help and advice for completing your application. Drop in sessions will be provided at the opening of the next grant round.


If you can't make it to a drop-in session, our Community Wellbeing and Grant Coordinator offers online support sessions by appointment. To make a reservation, please contact 1300 797 363 or

All support officers can be contacted via Council’s main call line of 1300 797 363; please call and reference the officer you wish to talk to, quoting the type of project you wish to discuss.

Read our Program Guidelines(PDF, 1MB)  to help understand our funding opportunities.

Making an application

A new online portal has been made available to complete all of your applications. The portal provides information to help you complete an application.

To submit an application you will need to register yourself and your organisation first. You will be asked to enter contact details for yourself (one log-in if you represent multiple local organisations or business) and then able to register your organisation/s. Once you are registered, you will receive an email to verify your user password.

Council staff are available to support your use of the system, please contact us on 1300 797 363 to make an appointment or attend one of our applicant drop in sessions as detailed at Frequently Asked Questions.

Don’t worry if you don’t have computer access, we can help you out with a paper hard copy to make an application by calling 1300 797 363. 

Is my group eligible to apply?

To be eligible, applicants must be either a: 

  • Community Group or not-for-profit organisation located in the Pyrenees Shire.
  • Not-for-profit organisation located elsewhere but provide services or programs to Pyrenees Shire residents.
  • A committee appointed by Council or a Council Community Assets Committee.

Can I use an auspice?

If your group is not incorporated or does not hold current public and products liability insurance, you may still apply through an auspice organisation. 

An auspice is an organisation that is incorporated and holds current public and products liability insurance and agrees to take responsibility for your funding. The organisation receives the funding on your behalf and distributes the funds to your group for the delivery of the project. 

The auspice organisation is also responsible for acquitting funds. A letter confirming the auspice arrangement, on the auspice organisation’s letterhead, must be attached with your application. 

You can find out more about how to auspice on Justice Connect's website

If you are not incorporated and would like to become incorporated, you may contact the Office of Consumer Affairs Victoria on 1300 558 181 or visit

Do I need to hold public and products liability insurance?

Applicants must hold current public and products liability insurance to protect against legal liability for third party injury, death and/or damage to property caused by an occurrence in connection with the applicant's activity. 

If your group does not wish to purchase public and products liability insurance, you may make application through an auspice organisation.

Applicants can purchase public and products liability insurance from any insurance provider appropriate for the activity being funded or by contacting Local Community Insurance Services on 1300 853 800 or

Will I need any approvals or permits?

Planning and building permits

A planning or building permit may be needed for proposed works or use. The permit process, if needed, can run at the same time as a funding application. 

Council cannot release funds for works where a planning permit is needed and has not or will not be granted.

To help with your application, at the earliest stage possible, you can forward a photo of your façade or building, with a brief description of works to This will allow us to provide initial information and guidance on any permit needs.

If your building is heritage listed, you must undertake research and give Council evidence, including photographs or other documentation, to show how your project will comply with heritage standards. Council may be able to help with this research or provide information on whether your business is in a heritage building.

Event permits

Delivering some events may need permission to erect temporary structures, have a traffic management plan or install temporary signage, etc., that needs Council approval. 

To check what event permits you may need, please read Council’s Event Sense Guide to running an event in Pyrenees Shire

Landowner permission

If your project is happening at a location that your group/business does not own, you will need the owner’s permission before lodging an application.

You may need to speak to others to gain support, permissions or just out of courtesy to let them know about the project. These may include neighbours, adjacent business, co-located tenants, etc.

Do I need to acquit my funding?

Upon success of a funding application, recipients must complete a Funding Acquittal, which includes financial acquittal and an outline of the achieved outcomes of the activity.

Successful applicants will be required to complete the grant acquittal within 12 months of receiving funding or 2 months of completion of the project (whichever is sooner).

It is appreciated that at times, factors outside of the applicants’ control may delay completion timelines. These could include contractor availability or planning approvals.

If this is the case, ongoing communication is required with Council’s Community Wellbeing and Grants Coordinator to document project timeframe extensions that ensure your compliance with acquittal requirements.

Failure to appropriately acquit will result in ineligibility for future grants.

Any unspent funds at the conclusion of the project must be returned to Council.