Bushfire Recovery Planning Program

Our Bushfire Recovery Planning Program is dedicated to guiding and helping local landowners through the planning processes to rebuild after the devastating Bayindeen bushfires of 2024.

Our commitment to you

This program will help local landowners ensure a smooth and efficient journey towards rebuilding.

The goal of the Bushfire Recovery Planning Program is to give specialised advice and support to help streamline any planning application conditions and associated processes needed by Council for your rebuild.

As part of our commitment to recovery, there will be no cost for this service or for associated council planning permits. Please note: there may be costs associated with supporting documentation and needs such as plan preparation and bushfire assessment.

Please note: Council's Recovery Team is the first point of contact for those affected by the bushfires. They provide essential guidance on the support services available during the recovery process, regardless of if you plan to rebuild.

You can contact the Recovery Team on 1300 797 363 or recovery@pyrenees.vic.gov.au to register. We recommend registering as soon as possible if you haven't registered already.