Have your say on the Waubra Recreation Reserve Master Plan

Published on 14 August 2024

Waubra Recreation Reserve

The Waubra community is being encouraged to have its say on the future of the town’s recreation reserve by taking part in community consultation for the facility’s master plan.

The first stage of the Waubra Recreation Reserve Master Plan aims to gather information about how the reserve is used with the aim of collating this data to inform the master plan’s recommendations.

How to have your say on the Waubra Recreation Reserve Master Plan

Pyrenees Shire Council CEO Jim Nolan said these recommendations would focus on the health and wellbeing of the community, outlining actions aimed at getting more people using the facility more often.

“This first part of the master plan process is about information gathering on the current useability of the site rather than trying to resolve issues, so we’d love to hear people’s ideas about what else the site could be used for,” he said.

“To ensure the long-term future of the reserve it’s important for us to collate the information and evidence to back up any funding submissions to further develop the site and provide a space that can be used as the community needs.

“Having a master plan for the site is a requirement of state and federal government funding streams, but it also puts the community and Council in a much stronger position when lobbying to build, repair or upgrade.”

Pyrenees Mayor Cr Robert Vance said it was important that all sections of the Waubra community – including those who do not currently use the facility – contribute to the engagement phase.

“We need to capture the views of all sectors of the community, not just the regular users such as sporting clubs, but those who walk their dog there or those who take their kids for a kick of the footy on the weekend,” Cr Vance said.

“The State and Federal Governments won’t fund any type of infrastructure upgrades without this sort of hard data as they want to see projects that are planned in advance and align with the community’s needs.

“Council is committed to hearing everyone who wants to have their say so we have a full representation of the community’s needs, so please take part in a stakeholder session or fill in the online survey.”

How to have your say on the Waubra Recreation Reserve Master Plan

Council will be collating information from the reserve’s user groups over the next few weeks via sessions with stakeholder and user groups, with the wider community invited to attend in-person sessions and/or complete a survey.


The survey is available as a hard copy (provided at the in-person sessions below) or online at engage.pyrenees.vic.gov.au/waubra-rec-res-master-plan until September 10. Council can also post you a survey - phone the Community Development Team on 1300 797 363 or email pyrenees@pyrenees.vic.gov.au.

You can also download a copy of the survey(PDF, 676KB), complete it and post it back to Pyrenees Shire Council, 5 Lawrence Street, Beaufort, 3373.

In-person sessions

Community members are invited to attend in-person engagement sessions at the Waubra Community Hub at the Recreation Reserve on the dates below. At these sessions, Council officers will provide an overview of the Master Plan and it’s aims and objectives and give you the chance to provide input and feedback.

  • Wednesday 4th September 2024 – 3:30pm to 4:15pm
  • Wednesday 11th September – 5:30pm to 6:15pm
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