Council’s Community Funding Program awards more than $31,000

Published on 03 June 2024

Bushwalking in Mt Cole.

First aid kits, a high tea, a 40th anniversary celebration and a guided forest walk with an ecologist are among the projects and events funded through Council’s Community Funding Program’s latest round.

Pyrenees Shire Council Mayor Cr Robert Vance said 16 events, programs and projects received grants after Council approved their applications at its May meeting.

Cr Vance said no matter how small the amount requested, Council knows how important the funded projects were for community connection, cohesion and resilience.

“Council is really pleased so many groups put their hands up to help the community through these projects, and we’re rapt to be able to support and empower them to do so by providing these grants,” he said.

“We congratulate and thank all the groups, the majority of whom are made up of volunteers, for their dedication to making Pyrenees Shire a great place to live.”

Mt Cole-Pyrenees Nature Group was one of the successful grant applicants, being awarded $958 for a guided forest walk and picnic. President Christine Baines said the grant would pay for ecologist-led walks in the Mt Cole State Forest.

“The grant will see our group offer more bushwalks at Mt Cole as it heals from the recent bushfire. We hope these walks help to educate and inspire any who attend as we observe the rejuvenation process first-hand.”

Cr Vance said this round of the Community Funding Program was aimed at fostering community resilience in the wake of the 2022 floods, as the funding came from Victorian and Australian Government through Council’s Recovery Team.

He said the funding not only helps these projects and events go ahead, but also sees the programs or events provided free-of-charge to allow vulnerable populations to take part.

“Council is really pleased to be able to award this funding and is looking forward to seeing the successful applicants use their grants to strengthen our local communities.”

The Community Resilience Program category, which is a one-off funding round, awarded a total of $24,358 with an additional amount of $7,500 awarded under the event category.

The successful Community Resilience Grant applicants were:

  • Raglan Hall and Recreation Reserve Committee for the purchase of first aid kits ($2,000).
  • Pyrenees Community House for its 40th Anniversary celebrations ($2,000), community bus trips ($2,000) and Beaufort Town Market entertainment activations ($2,000).
  • Pyrenees Arts Council for the Art Trax High Tea ($2,000).
  • Mt Cole-Pyrenees Nature Group for a guided forest walk and picnic ($958).
  • Avoca Friends of the Pool for a Let the Season Begin event ($2,000) and the Swimming to Reconnect Community program ($2,000).
  • Avoca Riverside Market for a project to connect an art space to the market ($2,000).
  • Beaufort Men’s Shed for a membership drive ($2,000).
  • Barkly Hall and Recreation Reserve for Barkly Outdoors ($1,400).
  • Advance Avoca for Let’s Dance Avoca event ($2,000) and Christmas Carols community connection program($2,000).

The successful Annual Grant Program – Event Sponsorship category applicants were:

  • Lake Goldsmith Steam Preservation Association for the Lake Goldsmith Steam Rally ($3,000).
  • The Flywheel Bar and Cafe for the Beaufort Tattoo Exhibition ($2,000).
  • Avoca Riverside Market for Market Activities to Inspire and Connect our Community ($2,500).

Council’s Community Funding Program runs annually and provides grants to community groups for events, capital works, programs and equipment. The next round is scheduled for late 2024/early 2025.

More information can be found on Council's website.

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