Changes to My Aged Care Regional Assessment Service

Published on 19 July 2024

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Despite changes to service providers delivering the Federal Government’s My Aged Care Regional Assessment Service (RAS), older residents are encouraged to continue to contact My Aged Care on 1800 200 422.

The changes are a Federal Government decision and mean that Council is no longer conducting the assessments, which are part of the application process for My Aged Care funding.

Council CEO Jim Nolan said the changes might cause unease or uncertainty for older residents and encouraged those with questions or concerns to contact My Aged Care direct.

“Some of our residents might already be on the waiting list for an RAS appointment and if that’s the case, the Federal Government has assured us these changes won’t affect their waitlist position,” he said.

“However, if you, your carer or loved ones would like to talk to someone about the changes, please don’t hesitate to contact Council’s Community Development team, who can explain the process and provide other helpful information.”

The Federal Government advised Pyrenees Shire Council in late June:

"There will be changes to Regional Assessment Services (RAS) in Victoria from 1 July 2024. This means that as of 1 July 2024, Pyrenees Shire Council will no longer provide RAS assessments for aged care in Victoria. The Australian Government is currently undertaking a tender process to inform which organisations will provide RAS in Victoria in the future.

“Please be assured that there will be no immediate change to your position on the waitlist for an RAS assessment and you will be automatically transferred to a new provider once the tender process is completed. If you require further assistance, please contact My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 or visit our website.”


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