You, or a person acting on your behalf with your consent, can request an internal review of your fine.
A request for an internal review should be made to Council in writing preferably before the due date shown on the infringement notice, however, requests may be made at any time before the matter is referred to the Magistrates’ Court. The time-period for referral to Court varies for different infringement offences.
If your request for an internal review is made on the grounds that you were unaware of the infringement notice, the application must be made within 14 days of you becoming aware of the infringement notice.
An Application for Internal Review(PDF, 749KB) form can either be emailed to Council at or posted to:
Pyrenees Shire Council
5 Lawrence Street
Beaufort Vic 3373
A request for an internal review must include the following information:
- Your name and residential address;
- Your postal address or email address;
- The infringement notice number;
- The vehicle registration number (where applicable);
- The grounds on which you are relying (see below) and an explanation as to why you are relying on those grounds; and,
- Any supporting evidence or documentation.
Neither the Mayor nor Councillors are legally allowed to have any involvement in the internal review process.