Option 1 - pay an infringement notice

If you choose to pay your infringement notice, it must be paid by the due date shown on the notice, otherwise the matter may be referred to the Magistrates’ Court or Fines Victoria.

You can pay your infringement notice in the following ways:


Phone icon  Payment method 1: over the phone

Please call 1300 797 363 to pay over the phone with your credit card. You will be asked to quote the Infringement Number.


Envelope.png  Payment method 2: cheque or money order

Please send cheque or money order to:

Pyrenees Shire Council 
5 Lawrence Street
Beaufort Vic 3373

Please detach the payment slip from the front of the infringement notice and attach it to your cheque or money order.  Alternatively, write the Infringement Number on the back of your cheque or money order.


Personal_Payments_Logo.png Payment method 3: in person

Payment may be made by cash, credit or debit card, cheque, or money order at any of the following locations:

  • Beaufort Municipal Office: 5 Lawrence Street, Beaufort. Office hours Monday to Friday 8.30am - 5.00pm. Phone 1300 797 363.
  • Beaufort Community Resource Centre & Library: 72 Neill Street, Beaufort. Open 7 days a week: Monday to Friday 10:00am to 5:00pm. Saturday and Sunday 10:00am to 1:00pm. Phone: (03) 5349 1180.
  • Avoca Community Information Centre and Library: 122 High Street, Avoca. Open 7 days a week: Monday to Friday 10:00am to 5:00pm. Saturday and Sunday 10:00am to 1:00pm. Phone: (03) 5465 1000.


Direct_Debit_Logo.png  Payment method 4: direct deposit

Payment can be made by transferring funds online into the following bank account:

Bank:                                    Bendigo Bank
BSB:                                       633 000
Account Number:           118310697
Account Name:                Pyrenees Shire Council

You MUST include the Infringement Number in the transaction reference field. Failure to do so may result in your payment being unidentified which may result in further action being taken and/or additional costs being added.