Information for candidates

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If you're standing for election to Pyrenees Shire Council, this page will provide you with important information about the election.

Stay tuned for updates after the election period begins on Tuesday 17 September 2024.  

Thank you for putting your hand up to represent the Pyrenees community.

Stand for Council

Democracy in a local setting hinges on elected councils representing the diverse needs and aspirations of our community. This year’s council election is a fantastic opportunity for you to make a real, lasting difference by putting your hand up and nominating for election to council.

Download a document(PDF, 176KB) from the Local Government Inspectorate that outlines the process timeline for prospective candidates.

There is also a wealth of information about nominating for election available on these websites:

Mandatory candidate training

If you are nominating for election to Council, it’s important to know that all candidates must complete the online Local Government Candidate Training course before doing so. You can complete the training, which takes around an hour, on the Local Government Victoria website.

More information

Click on these links to find out more about the election process, voting and how to nominate for council election.

Municipal Association of Victoria

Local Government Victoria

Victorian Local Government Association

Women for Election 

Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC)

VEC - Information for candidates - Pyrenees Shire Council Election

VEC - Candidate Helper Tool

Media Releases, Fact Sheets and Guides

VEC - Nominations open soon (26/08/2024)(PDF, 1018KB)

VEC Media Release - Call for candidates for Pyrenees Shire Council election (22/08/2024)(PDF, 1008KB)

Election Fact Sheet - Local Government Inspectorate - Possible Campaign Offences (22/08/2024)(PDF, 984KB)

MAV Citizen to Councillor Guide 2024